Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Launching from the Moon

Maya, Lejayah and I, all "attempted" to get different objects up with Newton's First Law. We tried ising 3 balloons to lift our objects ,but all that did was blow spit in our string pullers face, this was a complicated Lab. We only accomplished bringing two objects up.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Remote Repair LAb

Gillian, Amalia and I had to tell eachtother how to builed a lego shape, with finished models that we were supplied with. I had to tell Amalia how to make one. We had trouble becuase we didnt have the right peices, but the finished model that I was teaching Amalia to build looked like this:

Monday, October 8, 2007

Thrust structure lab

Ceclia, Jackie and I made a thrust structure.
We wanted it to be very strong, so we made a frame out of popsicle sticks, then we bordered it with triangles that we m ade with popsicle sticks. (since triangles are the strongest shapes). We tested our thrust structure out with out bottle three times, and it survived! The bottle didnt always go so high, but our thrust struture survived,

Friday, October 5, 2007

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Lego Robotics Lab

Amalia, Anna, and I did the lego robotics lab.
We encountered alot of challenges such as: how much time we should program into the turns, and how much speed we needed. Our first Robot was out of power so we got used to the "slowness" that it had. But when we switched to a robot with more power, we had to adjust alot of things (speed, and time). We tried programing our robot to go inbetween towers, and it worked for our first one, but we didnt have enough time to adjust some things on our second one. But we sure were close.